Follow Me and I’ll Follow You Back

Dawn Fields
3 min readNov 3, 2020

I get so frustrated when I go into tons of Black Entrepreneurs or Black Business Groups on Facebook and see this ridiculous post…”Follow Me and I’ll Follow You Back.” And underneath the post will be hundreds of people posting their Instagram link, in hopes to get more followers.

I truly do not understand the concept of that at all. Do you just want followers? And if so, why? Has this really helped your business at all? My guess is, it has NOT brought you 1 single solitary sell. Know why? CAUSE THAT’S NOT MARKETING.

Let’s think about it for a second.

You go into a group with thousands of people who don’t know you, nor your product, from a can of paint. They aren’t even interested in your product or service. Heck, they ain’t even interested in YOU.

What they are interested is hoping that if they provide their Instagram link, you will follow them back as they follow you. And then they are off to the next group to post the exact same link.

If they actually DO follow you back, that is about all they will do. And when they get their numbers up, they will Unfollow you so that it looks as if they have more Followers than people they are Following.

And in the meantime, you makes NO MONEY! You wasted time with busy work instead of something that will bring you money.

Let me show you how you work Instagram.

Did you read my last two articles about how to come up with your target audience?

Well, if you haven’t, go back and read them now because you are going to need that Avatar to go after them on Instagram.

In the article, Black Entrepreneur, Lisa came up with the Avatar, Essence. Lisa sells natural skin care products and Essence was a person who was very much into her appearance, rocked the natural hair, and was into health.

Wanna get REAL followers on Instagram?

Got out and find all the Essences you can. And the best Essence’s to find is the ones with large following. In fact, we are only looking for Essence’s who have large followings.

Go check out her Instagram page. Like her photos; respond to what she writes; befriend her; send her a DM…not to tell her about your products, but to tell her you loved that outfit she was rocking in that picture. Or simply say “nice pic” or “nice shoes.” Whatever. Become her Instagram friend and cultivate that friendship.

Do not make the mistake of asking her, “hey can you promote my product?”

Not yet at least.

Get to know her. Let her begin to recognize you. Send her a gift…something you think she would like.

Then one day, DM her and ask her if she would be interested in partnering with you. Tell her that you have a natural skin care product that you believe she will love. If she promotes it to her followers and they buy, you will give her 50% of the profit.

Now, before you start grabbing at the air, yelling, “FIFTY PERCENT??”

Yeah, Fifty percent.

Fifty percent is better than NO percent and right now, you are getting NO percent.

Let’s say Essence has a following of 15,000 active and responsive followers. They follow her because they know, like and trust her. Let’s say Essence made a post telling her followers how she used your product and how wonderful she thinks it is. Imagine if she told them to go and buy it right now.

Let’s say only 5% of her 15,000 people responded and actually clicked on your link and bought the product. That would be 750 sells.

Let’s say the product sold for $20.

That would $15,000 you earned. And when you give Essence her 50%, your profit would be $7,500 just for her sending out a message to her Followers.

Not bad! Not bad at all.

Doesn’t that sound far more productive than, Follow Me and I’ll Follow You?

Tomorrow, I will share with you what you should do in Facebook Groups. And NO, it does not include any Follow Me and I’ll Follow You post.

Until next time….

Dawn Fields

Marketing Secrets for Black Entrepreneurs



Dawn Fields

Dawn Fields is on a mission to close the wealth gap in the black community. Join me in this fight. Learn the Marketing Secrets that will Decrease the Wealth Gap